Mindfulness: Guided Journaling

Adults · Wellness
Hit pause and take a moment with guided journaling and mindfulness focusing on a new topic each week.

Equipments: A pen, notepad/ journal and a quiet space

Calming Covid-19 Stress and Anxiety with Mindfulness: Download

Managing Energy Levels & Exhaustion: Download

Finding Self Compassion and Acceptance: Download

Embracing Gratitude and Positive Thinking: Download

Building Resilience: Download

Self Love & Self Care: Download

Mastering Your Inner Critic: Download

Letting Go: Download

Resilience Part 2: Download

Reduce Your Anxiety: Download

Boost Your Self Belief: Download

What’s Your Why?: Download

Improving Self-Esteem: Download

Calming-Anxiety: Download

Dealing-with-Burnout: Download
Audience: Any adult who is wishing to take a moment to reflect, understand their emotions, and practice mindfulness

Upcoming Session

May 28, 7 AM EDT
For Adults · 45 mins

513 of 600 spots reserved

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Meet Our Instructor

Jules Hobbs
Jules Hobbs, of Hobbs Holistic Health, is a Wellness Consultant, Nutrition Coach and Massage Therapist. Working within the health and fitness industry for over 14 years, Jules has held a wide range of roles which began at the age of 18 as a fitness instructor. Over time, her focus has naturally moved towards holistic health, looking at your whole self.

Jules encourages a balanced lifestyle to all her clients encompassing fitness, mobility, yoga, positive mental health, nutrition and rest. Jules currently splits her time between online Nutrition & Wellness Coaching, Mindfulness & Self Development Seminars and Sports & Deep Tissue Massage. You can find her on instagram or Facebook @hobbsholistichealth , Linkedin under Jules Hobbs or contact her on juleshobbshealth@gmail.com.