Daily Movement Series: Neck and Shoulders Class

Adults · Wellness
A 30-minute movement-based class taught by a Doctor of Physical Therapy, Pilates Instructor and Fitness Instructor, consisting of exercises aimed to optimize low back health, utilizing an exercise/yoga/fintess ball.
Audience: Adults; All Levels Welcome
Equipment Required: foam roller, resistance bands and dummbells

Upcoming Session Starts in

October 24, 3 PM EDT
For Adults · 30 mins

7 of 80 spots reserved

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Meet Our Instructor

Lindsey van den Dungen
Doctor of Physical Therapy and movement enthusiast. She is passionate about the positive influences movement can have on people's lives and wellbeing. She is a telehealth Physical Therapist and virtual exercise educator. She has been practicing physical therapy for 8 years in Boston and the Greater Boston area.