Bias to Improvement

Adults · Learning
An interactive workshop that gives teams the tools to hold higher expectations of themselves and teammates. We've found that performance is a team effort rather than a solo endeavor. High performers are not only self-motivated but are also held to high standards by those around them. The saying "you are the sum of the people closest to you" holds true in the workplace, and we see this in our 20+ years of Human Performance Data.

However, holding high standards leads to a common challenge – there is a real tension between pushing teammates to excel and (at the same time) supporting each other. We know how to help teams strike that balance. This hands-on workshop quickly builds one of the key skills need for teammates challenge each other effectively: bias toward improvement. After our “in practice” workshop, we will cover some of theory that underpins these techniques including growth mindset, stress-is-enhancing mindset, the mentors’ dilemma, radical candor and more.

Who this is for: Teams who are looking to raise the bar and reach a higher potential.

About Next Jump: Next Jump is recognized by Harvard University as 1 of 2 top learning organizations globally, alongside Bridgewater, largest hedge fund in the world (“DDO: Deliberately Developmental Organization”). While neither researchers nor academics, their 30 years of history and experience aiding over 10,000 organizations via their social mission has enabled them to break down the foundational elements of high performing teams into practical curriculum.

Next Jump, the company behind Perks at Work, offers private leadership & decision-making training for teams. You can learn more at:

Upcoming Session

August 1, 4 PM EDT
For Adults · 45 mins

12 of 100 spots reserved

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Meet Our Instructors

Laura Robertson
Laura Robertson has been a NxJumper for over 10 years, working on and leading teams such as Brand Partnerships, Leadership Academy, Operations and Special Projects
Tom Fuller
Tom is the Head of Engineering at Next Jump. With Laura, they oversee product & technology for our Leadership & Decision-Making business.