Product AI Think Tank: 6 of N
Invite only workshop for those in the arena improving ability to excel using AI to build product - this is a training session to share insights, challenges, and share openly. How do we make AI decisions more transparent and use as way to build smaller high performing teams and adapt and innovate using AI to create great products and ways to automate.
Interested in joining the AI Product Think Tank? Please apply here
Interested in joining the AI Product Think Tank? Please apply here
Meet Our Instructors
Greg Kunkel
Greg Kunkel joined Next Jump in May 1998 as a Co-Founder of the organization. He has held a variety of roles during his tenure. He is responsible for developing Next Jump's relationships with human resources departments and co-leads product development for HR services
Weiwei Hu
Weiwei Hu, Partner at Next Jump, has trained hundreds of business leaders to be a better self. He believes in “Better me + better you = better us.” Giving back is in Next Jump’s and his DNA. He has helped various business and communities to grow and develop, and consistently looks for new ways to help individuals and organizations to get better.