Living an Authentic Life: Series 3 of N

Adults · Learning
The biggest obstacle to getting what we want in life is not the adversary/the person on the other side. It’s understanding ourselves. Becoming self-aware is a life-long journey that helps us be more authentic with ourselves and others.

1) When authenticity looks you in the eye.
2) Finding our natural default setting.
3) Does life require armor?
4) How to not live in the cheap seats.
5) Living a life of true courage.
6) How our perceptions frame our world.
7) Everyday leadership, the small moments matter.
8) How we shape the environment to engineer authenticity.

Living Authentic Life Reference Page: Download

Upcoming Session

May 28, 1 PM EDT
For Adults · 45 mins

327 of 600 spots reserved

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Meet Our Instructor

Josh Hurt
Joshua is the Chief of Enlisted Developmental Education in the United States Air Force. He leads the Educational Development for over 300K Total Force Airmen. Joshua has been learning and leading in the USAF for 25 years.