Dialing Down Behaviors
That Prevent Truth

Having the skill to talk openly about problems is the foundation for building
resiliency – the ability to bounce back from adversity.

What Is Pre-Resiliency Training?

You do things every day that prevent other people from giving you the truth. Pre-Resiliency Training (PRT) is a 13-week program tailored to help you discover your truth-preventing behaviors and dial them down.

This training, done as a team, will help you navigate conflict, build more authentic relationships, and be a stronger decision-maker.

How it Works:

Feedback APP

- 360-degree feedback from your peers
- Give and receive real-time, authentic feedback
- Use in small teams or company wide
- Track and measure your performance over time

Phase 1: Investment

Week 1

Resiliency Worksheet 1

Week 2

Resiliency Worksheet 2

Week 3

Add Group Feedback

Week 4

Checkpoint 1

Phase 2: 1st Signals of Success

Week 5

Group 1 Presentation

Week 6

Group 2 Presentation

Week 7

Group 3 Presentation

Week 8

Group 4 Presentation

Phase 3: ROI Period

Week 9

Group 1 Presentation: V2

Week 10

Group 2 Presentation: V2

Week 11

Group 3 Presentation: V2

Week 12

Group 4 Presentation: V2

Week 13

Checkpoint 2

Week 14+ (Ongoing): Optional continuation after formal program ends.

What are your
"Red Arrow Behaviors"

Our peers are often the source of our most valuable feedback, but we rarely get candid, critical feedback from peers. It's difficult to tell peers "hard truths" as it requires an investment of social capital to do so. In addition, we each have behaviors that shut down peers from telling us the truth.

The desired outcome of Pre-Resiliency Training is to develop an awareness of our behavior that prevents others from giving us the TRUTH, followed by practice on DIALING DOWN this behavior.

Master Coaches.

Each PRT group is facilitated by a Master Coach. Once you complete the PRT course, you will be certified to be a Master Coach for other PRT groups.

Mike Collette

CEO & Founder - Prototype Systems

After graduating with his degree in Exercise Science, Mike worked as a personal trainer, empowering clients and building lifelong relationships. He found CrossFit in 2010 which led him to open Prototype Training Systems (home of CrossFit Prototype) in 2012. His passion for...

Coach Macky Bergman

Founder - Steady Buckets

Coach Macky Bergman brings over 15-years of youth coaching experience to Steady Buckets. Coach Macky has trained boys and girls of all ages, top high school prospects, and NCAA student-athletes, as well as Euro-League and NBA professionals. He played four years of ...

Available Programs.

13-week course led by a Master Coach in a team of 10 - confronting the truth together, gaining awareness of our “Red Arrow Behaviours” & learning how to overcome them.



Train together with your own hand-selected team.



Train yourself with like-minded individuals.

What is Pre-Resiliency Training (PRT)

One way to describe resiliency is the ability to take a punch – in other words, the speed and muscle to handle conflict, stress, and difficult situations and bounce back.

We have found that as individuals work on identifying their ‘red arrow’ behaviors – those habits that make it harder for others to tell us the truth, lower conflict-avoidance and can build a foundation for more authentic relationships and truth around them.

Pricing Breakdown:

$7500 PRT, 10 people, 13 weeks*

Designed by a Deliberately Developmental Organization (DDO)

Pre Resiliency Training is powered by Next Jump, one of three companies globally recognized by Harvard as a “DDO,” an organization which puts learning at the heart of their corporate culture and strategy. Next Jump has been at the forefront of leadership in practice for over 25 years.

As part of our mission in to improve workplace culture, we have opened our doors to interested individuals and groups in the form of Culture Tours, In-Person Leadership Academies, Online Classes within our Community Online Academy, as well sharing the technology that we use to run our own developmental culture like DevGPS.

We have been fortunate to work with, learn from and teach top leaders from the likes of U.S. Navy and Air Force to education innovators to Fortune 1000 leaders (and, in doing so, have observed the pain and urgency with which organizations are grappling with this challenge of adapting to a volatile external environment).